Friday, June 25, 2010

My Queen

Keep hiding myself, hidding my will,
Making your wish, building your world.
Where I don't belong, no room for me
But I keep building for you...

The shadows that support me,
Of what was meant to be.
The fear that caress my words
and cast my dream tonight.

Take my heart and my soul,
See the sword in your hands.
I've made it from my self,
From my will and blood. For this.

I want and love you more than all.
Love to be needed and whispered,
Love my name in your lips and mind.
Maybe this is enough... I guess.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All is there...

Raise your hand, try to reach the clouds,
They're not so far, closer than you see
You don't need to take your feet of ground,
The sky is around you, can't you feel?

Open your eyes, don't fear the shadow,
Release the light of your heart, your soul,
You'll see me, by your side, in the meadow
Hand with hand, toward the sky we go

To follow ourselves in this awaken dream
To fullfill what we desired, what we seeded,
Because for real, everything is what it seams

Don't try hide the sun with a sieve, in vain,
When all he wants is to show you the path.
Gimme your hand, walk with me to our dream.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fire and Water

Sure as the ground, and doubtful as the clouds,
You seem to me as the morning light,
Showing my fear and faults,
All that I tried so hard to hide...

To hide from myself, throwing all to you,
All my ghosts, no one knows as I do
How pain they really do
And I gave it all to you, sorry.

Now the time has come (a little late, indeed)
For me to raise you to your real place
To give all my heart and love
All that's already yours, my embrace.

Give you the water and the fire,
Step by step, going forth
Together we go, higher and higher
'Cause for you, all is worth...